LMF currently operates two of Sri Lanka’s largest dairy farms. They are situated in the beautiful town of Nuwera Eliya and are adorned with lush green grass of the highest quality. Their location at an altitude of 6000 feet from sea level provides ideal conditions for the raring of the best breeds of cattle in the world. The two farms extend across 1500 acres and houses over 2000 heads of cattle. Globally beloved dairy products including Ambewela Fresh Milk, Ambewela Yogurt and Ambewela Cheese are all produced within these farms. The high-end technology used within the farms ensures that LMF meets dairy requirements of the Sri Lankan market while maintaining high standards.
Ambewela Livestock Company Limited

Ambewela Livestock Company Ltd which is known as Ambewela Farm is not open to the visitors. However, it provides a restaurant and a sales centre for fresh farm products at an ideal stop over on the way to Horton Plains.
Pattipola Livestock Company Ltd which is popularly known as New Zealand, Farm is situated 17 KMs away from Nuwara Eliya Town along the road to Horton Plains. This farm is open to the visitors 365 days from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Setting the bar for farmland quality standards
The herds on both farms made up of Ayrishire and Holstein Friesian cattle; the best breeds in the world that produces excellent quality milk. The farmlands are cultivated with ryegrass seeds that are imported from New Zealand. Scientific research has proved ryegrass to be the variety of grass that contains the highest percentage of protein that leads to the production of exceptional quality protein rich milk.
The processes at the farms are further enhanced and made efficient through the use of cutting edge technology. Heavy duty tractors, slurry bowsers and fertilizer sprayers are among collection of modern machinery that are used by the farms.

Exceptional animal rearing practices
Maintaining a pure breed of Holstein Friesians and Ayrshires is an uncompromised objective at the farms. This is achieved via artificial insemination that is carried out using semen imported from the USA and Finland, homes of the best quality, high yielding cattle of the respective species. The semen selection process is designed is such a way that it ensures the dominance of traits that best suit the sub-tropical climatic conditions, easy calving and high immunity. Additionally, the farms only use sexed semen to prevent the birth of male calves.
Experts ensure the avoidance of inbreeding that would decline the genetic integrity of the animals through frequent monitoring.
The calves, heifers and cows are provided with ideal environmental conditions in carefully designed cattle sheds. A global expert in cattle nutrition from West Africa designs the formula of the feed for the cattle. Special attention is given when designing and preparing the housing and feed for pregnant cows.
Ensuring good health of the animals is of priority at the farms. Internationally experienced vegetarians lead the healthcare team with the contribution of the rest of the staff. This ensures that the milk produced is of very low plate count.

Environmentally friendly practices
We are living in times of tremendous ecological change. In response, Lanka Milk Foods as responsible corporate citizen promotes its operations and movement towards safeguarding the natural environment or environmental sustainability.
We ensure all operations conforms to our commitment to lower our carbon foot print and provide investment where necessary to achieve this objective. The company focus to reduce as much as possible the negative impact on the environment through raw materials, energy, manpower and other resources consumption and waste gas, waste water, waste and other emission.
We used the most efficient technologies and techniques to treat the waste generated, prior to release into the environment. The company is committed to treating the waste from manufacturing operations in a responsible manner and adheres to strict quality requirements for returning it to the environment with full compliance of applicable regulatory and statutory requirements of the country.